Even the Department of Energy is looking at the issue. I thought maybe it was lightning or because I bought a new microwave, Lynne Loudon told me for a story on NewsChannel 5. It wasnt until she saw a spot of yellow light on the side of her house that she realized creditreport Savannah where it was coming from.
She and a neighbor both agreed it was the reflection off the neighbors new double hung windows. It caused significant damage to an entire side of Loudons home, and shes not alone. free credit report each year The National Association of Home Builders says the curvature of the glass in the double hung windows can create a magnifying glass effect that focuses a light beam at other surfaces that can reach 200 degrees. NAHB says low-e glass windows exacerbate the effect. The damage is being done to our product, and not by our product, Jery Huntley said. free credit report no credit card needed Huntley is President of the Vinyl Siding Institute .
She said anything creditreport Savannah in the path of this unnatural sunlight will melt. Weve heard reports of paint, trim on houses, car parts, pool covers anything in the path of this magnified glass effectively can creditreport Savannah be damaged, Huntley said. Trade groups conducting studies While experts in the field, and trade groups like the National Association of Home Builders says certain windows cause the problem, the Window and Door Manufacturers Association says, there is no definitive cause of the phenomenon. how to get credit report free The president told 5 On Your Side that windows are performing the way theyre supposed to.
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